This concept I call Seabreeze, which is another example of form following fiction. I wanted to take the opportunity to go beyond confining a concept to a 3D surrounding, and use real photography for project integration. Often we are embedding our work into photos to show the true context of a project, but when marketing we need to go beyond a typical point and shoot approach, and look instead for camera angles that engage and entice.
While this is a concept, I have tried to capture the project in a way I would approach a client development for marketing as an example of my workflow and approach. I also wanted to push the limits of an ocean-front property in terms of views and proximity.
While this may be fiction, crafted from little more than a hand sketch, as artists we need to lean into the inspiration that strikes us and push ourselves to explore ideas and our skill sets to further engage our audiences.
I wanted to design these apartments so that they felt like they touch the ocean while enjoying beautiful times of day. It was a great excuse to take myself away from my desk and out for multiple visits to shoot photography from varying viewpoints after considering the way I wanted to tell the story of this concept.
The interiors capture modern and elevated beach front living. It’s aspirational yet believable, and tells a day in the life story of the spaces and the lifestyle of the location. There is a simplicity to these layouts that I hope feels attainable and realistic.
I am trying to push myself above and beyond to offer not just renders that speak to an audience but offering a level of service to my clients that help them achieve their outcomes as effectively as possible.